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Welcome to the Canadian Community of Christ Peace / Justice -- Human Rights site!
Our belief in the sacredness of all life calls us to engage in the world, joining with all others who endeavour to raise the basic level of well-being of all. This site provides some of our guiding principles that inform our stance on peace and justice issues, as well as some primary Canadian-specific issues that effect such well-being, and where possible, resources and actions to help address those issues.
All life is sacred!
October 22, 2014: [archive] See this site’s Response to today’s attacks in Ottawa and the Issue of Radicalization.
Sept. 16, 2023: Courage to Look at Truth and Reconciliation Workshop.
Aprill 2022: Statement and personal account on war in Ukraine.
July, 2021: Update on Muslim relations in light of London Muslim killings.
June, 2021: Update on Indigenous Peoples in light of Kamloops children’s graves.
December, 2020: Continued work on ongoing world-class Climate Crisis Series.
March, 2018: Completed full introduction to the First Nations page.
January, 2017: Minor changes to Human Trafficking page.
June, 2016: Created Class material (one or two hour-long sessions) for an “Introduction to Human Rights for Youth” on Resources page.
August, 2015: Added more material to our First Nations page, pertaining to the recent report from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
April, 2015: Added more material to our Interreligious Relations page, pertaining to Muslim relations and common distortions.
May 24, 2014: Consider joining “March Against Monsanto” to advocate for labelling of genetically-modified foods.
October, 2013: Modified Human Trafficking & First Nations pages.
April, 2013: Subcommittees formed, starting with First Nations issues. Modified Human Trafficking page, including great link to World Church site.
October, 2012: Sign petition to support Bill C-257 on mandatory labeling of GMOs: Click for Background and Petition Link;
September, 2012: Added sections on Fair-trade and on Human Trafficking;
June, 2012: Website goes live! . . . It’s just the beginning !
April, 2012: Letter sent to Canadian government requesting that all Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) be labeled (See actual letter : GMOLetter2012
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International Development:
Inter-religious Relations:
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